Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Nursery In Progress!
The nursery is progressing from office to baby room. This weekend we will finish combining the office and guest room into the largest room of the two. Then we can finally start painting the baby room a pale yellow that will brighten it beautifully. In addition, I happened across a perfect baby-room theme I can enjoy for girls and boys--ABC's! Melody (aka Grandma-to-be) showed me the fabric as a backing to a blanket she's planning to make, and I immediately knew that's the theme I want. So we bought some extra cloth to make window dressings and other accents. :-) At about $14, that fabric will pay for itself easily ten times over rather than purchasing nursery accents at ridiculously high prices. Hurray! Besides, this has a more personal touch than store-bought! Goody, goody!
Baby Kicked my Laptop!
23 Weeks Already! And this weekend Elanor kicked my belly enough to make my laptop visibly move. How FUN! I've also noticed that she particularly enjoys snuggling down on whichever side I lay, left or right, and will move to the other side when I turn over. Her movements are now noticeably big enough that I rarely fall asleep before she gets comfortable.
At 23 weeks baby weighs around 1 1/2 pounds and will continue gaining at about 6 ounces per week (16 oz/lb= ~1 lb/3 weeks). She can also hear now, and can start to recognize Damon and my voices. What a beautiful miracle.
We are all well. Hormones have make the last month a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me, and I feel tired much of the time. However, there are many joys in pregnancy and my hubby works particularly hard to be extra thoughtful and helpful.
At 23 weeks baby weighs around 1 1/2 pounds and will continue gaining at about 6 ounces per week (16 oz/lb= ~1 lb/3 weeks). She can also hear now, and can start to recognize Damon and my voices. What a beautiful miracle.
We are all well. Hormones have make the last month a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me, and I feel tired much of the time. However, there are many joys in pregnancy and my hubby works particularly hard to be extra thoughtful and helpful.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Baby Registry Conundrum - Part 1
Baby Registries... they have always puzzled me a bit. At 22 weeks along, more and more people are asking about nursery themes and other such details. So here's what has always puzzled me about baby registries: What if the parents want specific items that are found at several different stores or online sources? Why the unspoken rule that everything has to be brand new--never used? Having grown up as the second of 7 children, I was rather proud of growing into my big sister's hand-me-downs. On the other side of the coin, I gained a heightened appreciation for new and like-new items since they were not as common. At the same time, I feel rather presumptuous to list my preferences... but the reality is that if I don't communicate what we want or need I do a dis-service to all the generous people who want a list and will gift us regardless of whether I provide relevant information. So, here goes!
With the exception of diapers, cribs and car seats, there are few differences between gently used and brand new items except that the later (hopefully) has a valuable little receipt with it that allows parents to exchange multiple copies of one type of thing for something they still need. However, if I provide an accurate list of what we anticipate needing and wanting... and the general styles... then second hand is a great option. Or just send a card and a couple dollars and indicate which of the following you want me to dedicate it to. :-P
I found the perfect themetoday yesterday while shopping with Melody (grandma-to-be). Alphabet ABC's! I will take a picture of the cloth we bought as well as the paint chip for the nursery to post later. We plan to make a valance/curtains, and matching crib sheet. The baby blanket will have this cloth for backing, and I bought a bit extra so we can add other accessories as desired. The yellow, green, pink, and blue squares are a bit darker and deeper than I typically think of for pastels, which is perfect! We will accent with letters, numbers, etc in these colors. I especially like that I can enjoy these regardless of whether our newest addition is a girl or boy. I get sentimental and it is hard to give away things I no longer need... so maybe I'll get to wear these out before then. :-)
Baby Wish List
1. Diapers: So all babies wear them, and at first the diapers are extra messy. So I'm prepared with a couple boxes of the smaller disposable diapers. However, I do want to transition to cloth diapers. The catch is, that typical cloth diapers are great burp rags, but they take a bit of skill to correctly fold and secure on a wriggling baby--and I DO want my husband's help. Enter the new cloth diaper. One particular brand sells fitted cloth diapers that work as easily as disposables, and have adjustable elastic which allows them to fit about size 7-35 pounds. They also have inserts to increase absorbency as needed. While I choke at the price, (sorry, I'm frugal) the fact is that after doing the math, cloth diapers actually do save money in the LONG run. Plus, I won't need to feel badly knowing that conservative estimates say disposables will take well over 100 years to decompose in the landfills. Here's the link to the style I want to get: http://www.fuzzibunzonline.com/One-Size-Diapers_c_19.html and go here to keep an eye out for occasional special discounts.
2. Cribs: I never knew so many types and pitfalls existed. The two styles I'm most interested in are: Graco Sarah and Graco Lauren. Both have high safety ratings with simple, all-wood construction at a reasonable price.
3. *Maya Wrap-Medium, no padding: This is a baby sling which many new mothers rate very highly. It allows the mother to move around relatively hands-free and spare the aching arms a little bit. The official website sometimes has gently used returns on sale at http://www.mayawrap.com/sitemap.asp or look on amazon.com
*The Moby Wrap, its cousin, sounds like it would be even better during the cooler months of the year, but too warm to use during the hot, humid Tennessee summers: look on amazon.com
Baby Clothes
...I will hopefully discuss later. In a nutshell, I'm looking for 100% preshrunk cotton, buttons/snaps/etc that open to the front-and preferably down both legs. PLEASE consider making at least half of any baby clothing gifts neutral (no words or pictures that specifically suggest boy/girl, no pink... But red rocks, & blue is ok.)
0-3 Months (~7-15 lbs, Aug-Oct): various styles of T-Shirts, onesies, sleepwear, caps, socks and blankets are most practically what baby will likely wear... so if you've just got to buy that darling outfit, please choose sizing for the 3-18 month range--I want Elanor to get to wear it!
3-6 Months (Oct-Dec): A combo of warm and cool clothes will be useful, especially if baby decides to grow into these sizes a little early.
6-12 Months (Cold): Think warm clothes and the ever useful onesies.
12-18 Months: Many mothers tell me that by the end of 12 months their baby was in "18 month" clothes. So if you see something adorable, baby may wear that size 18 well before the label suggests.
Well, I finally feel sleepy enough to get some zzzzz's. It's almost 5am - this is ridiculous! My nap today wasn't THAT long!!! Apparently letting my mind plan the nursery can be dangerous later in the evening. G'nite!
With the exception of diapers, cribs and car seats, there are few differences between gently used and brand new items except that the later (hopefully) has a valuable little receipt with it that allows parents to exchange multiple copies of one type of thing for something they still need. However, if I provide an accurate list of what we anticipate needing and wanting... and the general styles... then second hand is a great option. Or just send a card and a couple dollars and indicate which of the following you want me to dedicate it to. :-P
I found the perfect theme
Baby Wish List
1. Diapers: So all babies wear them, and at first the diapers are extra messy. So I'm prepared with a couple boxes of the smaller disposable diapers. However, I do want to transition to cloth diapers. The catch is, that typical cloth diapers are great burp rags, but they take a bit of skill to correctly fold and secure on a wriggling baby--and I DO want my husband's help. Enter the new cloth diaper. One particular brand sells fitted cloth diapers that work as easily as disposables, and have adjustable elastic which allows them to fit about size 7-35 pounds. They also have inserts to increase absorbency as needed. While I choke at the price, (sorry, I'm frugal) the fact is that after doing the math, cloth diapers actually do save money in the LONG run. Plus, I won't need to feel badly knowing that conservative estimates say disposables will take well over 100 years to decompose in the landfills. Here's the link to the style I want to get: http://www.fuzzibunzonline.com/One-Size-Diapers_c_19.html and go here to keep an eye out for occasional special discounts.
2. Cribs: I never knew so many types and pitfalls existed. The two styles I'm most interested in are: Graco Sarah and Graco Lauren. Both have high safety ratings with simple, all-wood construction at a reasonable price.
3. *Maya Wrap-Medium, no padding: This is a baby sling which many new mothers rate very highly. It allows the mother to move around relatively hands-free and spare the aching arms a little bit. The official website sometimes has gently used returns on sale at http://www.mayawrap.com/sitemap.asp or look on amazon.com
*The Moby Wrap, its cousin, sounds like it would be even better during the cooler months of the year, but too warm to use during the hot, humid Tennessee summers: look on amazon.com
Baby Clothes
...I will hopefully discuss later. In a nutshell, I'm looking for 100% preshrunk cotton, buttons/snaps/etc that open to the front-and preferably down both legs. PLEASE consider making at least half of any baby clothing gifts neutral (no words or pictures that specifically suggest boy/girl, no pink... But red rocks, & blue is ok.)
0-3 Months (~7-15 lbs, Aug-Oct): various styles of T-Shirts, onesies, sleepwear, caps, socks and blankets are most practically what baby will likely wear... so if you've just got to buy that darling outfit, please choose sizing for the 3-18 month range--I want Elanor to get to wear it!
3-6 Months (Oct-Dec): A combo of warm and cool clothes will be useful, especially if baby decides to grow into these sizes a little early.
6-12 Months (Cold): Think warm clothes and the ever useful onesies.
12-18 Months: Many mothers tell me that by the end of 12 months their baby was in "18 month" clothes. So if you see something adorable, baby may wear that size 18 well before the label suggests.
Well, I finally feel sleepy enough to get some zzzzz's. It's almost 5am - this is ridiculous! My nap today wasn't THAT long!!! Apparently letting my mind plan the nursery can be dangerous later in the evening. G'nite!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
First Braxton Hicks at 21 Weeks
Ok, this may sound like a strange malady to the uninformed, but it is actually a fancy way of saying my uterus decided to have a brief warm-up contraction to start training for the big birth day marathon. :-) It's very natural and healthy--even this early.
I had just dismissed the 6th grade tutorees at the end of a long day. Just before I reached the door of the classroom I felt an unexpected twinge in my belly. I simply stopped, relaxed my belly until the slight tightness ended, and continued on my way. The only real discomfort was that first brief second before I relaxed. Later that night I felt another milder one.
...Good thing I like reading and researching. By being well-informed I knew that as long as I didn't experience more than 3-4 of those in an hour all was well. Another benefit included knowing to stop and relax, and that this is normal! I don't believe one can be too well informed. My trick is to focus on the practical information that will likely equip me with knowledge or skills and mostly ignore the horror stories except to note any potential risk or twist in plans that I should be aware is humanly possible. :-P
My goal is to enter labor with Plan A and a contingency plan (B-Y). I want a low-key, relaxed atmosphere as much as possible--yet I'm also aware I should expect the unexpected (Z). ...Hurray for a body that is preparing too! (Yes, I'll probably eat those words by the end of this pregnancy.)
I had just dismissed the 6th grade tutorees at the end of a long day. Just before I reached the door of the classroom I felt an unexpected twinge in my belly. I simply stopped, relaxed my belly until the slight tightness ended, and continued on my way. The only real discomfort was that first brief second before I relaxed. Later that night I felt another milder one.
...Good thing I like reading and researching. By being well-informed I knew that as long as I didn't experience more than 3-4 of those in an hour all was well. Another benefit included knowing to stop and relax, and that this is normal! I don't believe one can be too well informed. My trick is to focus on the practical information that will likely equip me with knowledge or skills and mostly ignore the horror stories except to note any potential risk or twist in plans that I should be aware is humanly possible. :-P
My goal is to enter labor with Plan A and a contingency plan (B-Y). I want a low-key, relaxed atmosphere as much as possible--yet I'm also aware I should expect the unexpected (Z). ...Hurray for a body that is preparing too! (Yes, I'll probably eat those words by the end of this pregnancy.)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's a GIRL!

My favorite part of the ultrasound occurred every time we saw Elanor move...because I felt her movements at the same time! Words fail to express my awe and joy. Here are a few pics to enjoy!!!
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