Thursday, June 24, 2010

36 Weeks Already

Time sure does fly! Although I'm not due until July 21st (40 weeks), technically a baby is considered full term from 37-42 weeks.

Between starting college this summer (classes end at 38 weeks) and expecting Elanor soon (wouldn't it be funny if she turned out to be he?) we are very busy and excited. I'm consistently a bit short on sleep, not because of the baby making sleep impossible, but because my schedule is too full to get as much sleep as I should... so I typically make up for it with after-class naps. :-P
Pregnancy really can become hilarious. Between waddling across campus and up steps I make quite a sight. And the other day I was sitting on a couch in the cafeteria and leaned forward to pick up my drink from the end table in front of me... but I couldn't reach because baby's bum was firmly wedged under my ribs. I tried it would make a difference. Finally, I scoot-hopped forward to the edge of the couch to get my drink, and oomphed my way back into my seat after getting a drink. About the second or third time of doing this, I finally decided to do the logical thing and hold my drink on my belly--where she kicks it.
Pregnant life is also a bit ironic. Today after my midterm I tried to slip my sandal back on without bringing attention to the fact that it had been off. Elanor had other plans. In an hour or so my foot had swollen enough that the previously snug fit now required a hand to push my sandal on. Anyone other than me would celebrate an excuse to have to go shoe shopping. How ironic that I don't like shopping.

Braxton Hicks are now a daily occurrence. Most of the time it feels like a band of relatively mild cramp-like tension across my back that sometimes reaches to the front of my belly. Occasionally my entire belly gets firm and tight...but I have to feel my belly to be sure whether baby is moving or if it is a practice contraction. She likes to stretch and move despite the amount of space that remains. :-) An average gestational length is 41 weeks and a day. So, theoretically I have little reason to worry she may arrive early.
Only 14 days until classes are out, then baby gets to choose her own schedule! Until then, no productive Braxton Hicks allowed--practice only! (Keep your fingers crossed...)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Sewed A Crib Sheet, Hurray!!!

I finally did it! Friday I decided, now or never: time to make that crib sheet I've been wanting. Yes, I will need many sheets. However, I wanted one in my favorite ABC pattern--besides, the materials cost equal to or less than a basic sheet on the market. So, I indulged. I'll try to remember to take a picture and post it. :-)

The little things in life are typically the most fun!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

34-Week Baby Belly Eve

Wow, tomorrow I'm 34 weeks along! So here's a picture to see how much I've grown. Notice the ever-present item I'm missing--my rings. It feels strange not to wear them, and I miss my beautiful engagement ruby that Damon spent 3 months selecting. But I can enjoy them again in a couple months. ;-)

My hands and feet have gotten a bit swollen, and I now enjoy a laundry list of common pregnancy symptoms that thankfully are not all constant: cold-natured me is now burning up while Damon freezes with AC running, aches, congestion, reflux, nausea, need to eat frequently, easily exhausted and out of breath, baby kicking ribs and stomach, etc. However, this is all worth while as I feel Elanor moving around. I think I might miss her acrobatics.

The baby responds to Damon!
Sometimes when she is especially actively kicking and elbowing me, he will come talk to her and rub the appendages sticking out. She consistently calms down. Beautiful!

Recent cravings: Milk, Silk (soy milk), cottage cheese with fruit on a bed of spinach.

It's hard to believe she's due in 6 weeks. Only 4-8 weeks remaining...

Sweet dreams to all!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Rings Don't Fit At 33 Weeks :-(

I'm sad to say that the slight swelling and tightness in hands and feet that I only noticed some evenings at 30 weeks along is now the norm 24-7. Today after church I squeaked my rings off after a bit of effort. So, for safety sake I'll have to wait a couple months before I get to wear them again.