Thursday, July 8, 2010

3-Year Anniversary

We celebrated our third wedding anniversary (7/7) today since I had finals to study for last night. The Gerst Haus is a tasty German Restaurant. We shared an appetizer with 3 sausages, sauerkraut, potato salad and mild rye bread. For a main course we shared a weinerschnitzel with mushroom sauce, spatzel, and "german fries". The sauce and spatzel weren't amazing, but the rest of it was quite good. Then, much to Damon's surprise, Rachel gladly shared an apfelstruedel with him. Yum! Of course, he had to eat 3/4 of everything because I tend to run out of space. But the baby was very accommodating and didn't kick my stomach even once during dinner. Thank you! :-) 

38-Week Baby Belly

Wow! This photo [will upload soon...] from yesterday was taken the last day of week 38. 13 days until baby is officially due! Most of my siblings and I were born between half a week before and a week after our due dates... so theoretically it is likely my babies will also arrive near that timeline. But you know what assuming does... :-P

I finished my class final today, so now she gets to choose the schedule. :-)