At 8 lbs 2 oz. & 21 inches long, baby Elanor was born naturally July 27th at 11:34 am-16 hours after my water broke. 9 & 9 on Apgar scale. We are happy and healthy, and were released from the hospital just over 24 hours after the birth. Sleeping a lot and recovering.
That first night in the hospital, Damon asked if someone had turned her onto her side... she already can turn from her back to her side! About 5 days later, Nana went to pick her up and found she had turned onto her stomach... she hasn't repeated that feat since, but mommy is staying very aware. In the last 10 days her neck has gotten very strong and Elanor can normally lift her head and turn to the other side as you hold her.
Elanor responds to talking with a smile more and more often...the question is whether it is intentional yet. :) Today she gave a brief coo with her smile--probably just coincidence--but I loved it all the same.
The whole family is happy and healthy. More details will follow as sleep and baby care permit. Love and blessings to all.
Has she ever started crying much yet? If not, that's so unfair, but awesome!! :-)